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My Skincare Saver App

My Skincare Saver is an unrealized mobile app prototype for a class assignment. Its main function is to keep track and alert the user of their expiring inputted skincare products that can become ineffective and harmful to the consumer. They also have an option to receive alerts for when their products go on sale. The app will encourage the user to upload a photo, description, and/or expiration date of that product on the day of purchase. If the product does not have a date, then the user can input a generic name such as “eye cream,” and the app will create an expiration date based off the purchase date and the most accurate research of that specific type of product’s effectiveness time frame. To make money off the app and make it more effective, the pitch is to collaborate with skincare product companies and display their advertisements on the homepage. There is also an upgrade feature for a monthly fee that includes an add free experience and several other extras. This app is user friendly for all genders and age groups that use skincare products. Click here to view the prototype. 

App Icon
Main Opening Page
Login Page
Sign Up Page – 1
Sign Up Page – 2
Sign Up Page – 3
Home Page with Pop-Up
Home Page
Add Product Page
Add Product with Favorites Pop-Up
Main Function Page with Review Pop Up
Main Function Page
Main Function Multi-Add Page
Main Function Favorites Page
Main Function to Categories Page
Eye Cream Entry Page
Main Function Page with Barcode Pop-Up
Settings Page
Settings Upgrade Page
Settings Notifications Page
Settings Account Page
Notifications Page
Favorites Page
Entry Calendar Today Page
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